Case Study


In this customer story, you will learn how FEBO improved their internal communication and employee engagement with Oneteam's mobile-friendly all-in-one solution.


Table of contents

“Thanks to Oneteam, the speed and effectiveness of our internal communication have greatly improved, and we save up to four times as much in costs since it's an all-in-one solution.”
Dorian Jiawan, HR Officer at Oneteam


The iconic Amsterdam cafeteria brand FEBO has existed since 1941. There are now more than 75 branches spread across the country. Of these, 14 locations are owned and operated by the company, while franchisees run the rest.

We spoke with Dorian Jiawan, HR officer at FEBO, who is also responsible for HR policies and strategic projects within the organization. In this interview, he explains how Oneteam helped them bridge the gap with the shop floor with an all-in-one solution for internal communication, onboarding, and training.

The problem we solved

  • From inefficient internal communication and online training to a streamlined all-in-one solution.

Summary of the results

  • One platform for internal communication, onboarding, e-learning, forms, and schedules;
  • 87.6% active users;
  • From top-down communication to two-way communication;
  • Implemented within 5 weeks;
  • 4 times more cost-efficient than alternative solutions.

The Challenge

What Employee Experience challenges did you face before using Oneteam?

Our internal communication was very fragmented. It was difficult to share important information and also to gather feedback from the shop floor. We used various methods like emails, WhatsApp, and whiteboards in stores where memos and letters from the head office were posted. Quite inefficient and scattered.

What were the consequences of these challenges for your business?

The fragmented internal communication led to misunderstandings and reduced engagement. For instance, we regularly sent letters to the branches, but we had no insight into whether they were received or read. Additionally, we had the "Feboodschap," an internal marketing email with fun facts about FEBO. This was first sent via email and then printed and posted on the whiteboard. Not very efficient, and there was hardly any interaction.

Therefore, we wanted to manage all our internal communication digitally: one platform for all our internal communication. A kind of social intranet for two-way communication that everyone can easily access.

“The overall package appealed to us; with Oneteam, we can offer internal communication, onboarding, e-Learning all in one app. Furthermore, thanks to the seamless integrations, we can also display essential HR information and schedules in Oneteam.”

The Solution

Which solutions did you explore, and why did you choose Oneteam?

We quickly settled on Oneteam, thanks to the mobile-first design of the platform that appealed to us. Our non-desk employees can't easily sit behind a computer every time to log in. They can easily grab their phone and open the Oneteam app at work or on the bus and be fully informed about everything at work. Moreover, the overall package appealed to us; with Oneteam, we can offer internal communication, onboarding, and e-Learning all in one app. Furthermore, thanks to the seamless AFAS and Shiftbase integrations, we can also display essential HR information and schedules in Oneteam.

How did the implementation go?

The implementation went very smoothly and flawlessly, both for the platform and the data migration and connections. We were fully live within 5 weeks. To inform everyone internally, we sent a letter to all franchisees and our own branches, explaining Oneteam and why we were implementing it. We also created a poster to promote "Febook" (as we internally call Oneteam).

Who uses Oneteam within your organization?

Currently, all franchisees, employees of our own branches, our head office, and production staff use Oneteam. Additionally, we would also like to get the employees of the franchise branches on Oneteam soon.

Febook App Launch
An example of the Febook app (Oneteam) launch communication

The Results

What impact does Oneteam have on your organization?

Thanks to Oneteam, the speed and effectiveness of our internal communication have greatly improved, and we save up to four times as much in costs since it's an all-in-one solution. Moreover, Oneteam has fostered a culture where interactive communication is the norm, whereas previously, it was mainly one-way communication from the head office. We see that 87.6% of the invited employees are active on the platform, which we are very pleased with.

How does Oneteam help you engage and empower your employees?

Our employee engagement has significantly increased due to improved internal communication and onboarding. To promote engagement, we occasionally hold contests where employees can win cinema vouchers by participating in a poll via the platform.

What feedback do you receive from employees about using Oneteam?

Our non-desk employees really value the ease of use, direct communication, and two-way interaction. Even the management can be approached via Oneteam, which is new for us and is highly appreciated, both at the head office and in our branches.

Why is Oneteam the ideal solution for the restaurant sector?

It's quite simple; we are not a desk organization but a non-desk one. We have a workforce that operates on the shop floor. Oneteam is convenient and easy to use, and it’s efficient to grab your phone and find everything for work in one app. Access to information, work schedules, onboarding, e-learnings, and communication - it’s all in Oneteam. That makes it the ideal solution for our sector.

What plans do you have in the area of employee experience?

We look forward to further refining our onboarding and e-learning, where we will soon offer our entire FEBO academy in Oneteam. Additionally, we want to better utilize the forms feature and more frequently gather feedback from the shop floor using the platform's functionalities.

“Oneteam is convenient, easy to use, and it’s efficient to just grab your phone and find everything for work in one app. Access to information, work schedules, onboarding, e-learnings, communication - it’s all in Oneteam. That makes it the ideal solution for our sector.”