Case Study

Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein

Thanks to Oneteam, Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein is able to keep its employees updated with internal comms and schedules in one app.

Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein

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“The difference between before and now is huge. It is mainly the speed with which shift changes and messages can be sent to everyone. 97.2% of our users are active in Oneteam on a weekly basis.”

Remco Heeren
Entrepreneur at Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein

About Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein

Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein is located in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. Albert Heijn is one of the major supermarket chains in the Netherlands. The supermarket differentiates itself by providing exceptional customer service. This can only be achieved by satisfied and committed employees. Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein’s goal is to have committed and engaged employees. Their opinion counts, they need to enjoy doing their job. That’s why Albert Heijn Dillenburg was elected ‘the most delicious and best supermarket’ for a good reason.

The challenge: less involved employees due to inefficient communication

Albert Heijn Dillenburg wanted to increase employee engagement by improving internal communication. Before the implementation of Oneteam, the supermarket faced the following two challenges:

  • A bad work-life balance for employees: Before, Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein used Whatsapp groups for internal communications. “By using WhatsApp, our employees did not have the right work-life balance.” Remco, entrepreneur of Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein, says: “Employees could no longer see what was important and what wasn’t because of the amount of messages.
  • Employees had no idea what was going on in the organization: the supermarket used bulletin boards in the canteen, a weekly newsletter, and Whatsapp groups. Later, it turned out that employees did not read the newsletter, and memos at all. A waste of time! And on top of that, employees missed important information.

Team leaders wanted to improve communications with their teams: Remco explains: “Very often, I felt that employees only took messaging seriously if I was the messenger. This shouldn’t be the way it works though, as this is why I have team leaders. When ‘the manager’ was mentioned, it was almost always about me”.

It was crystal clear for the supermarket: they needed a new internal communication tool. “If everyone knows what’s going on in the office, an employee will feel more at home. They can focus on the goal”.

“Before we used Oneteam, we were always questioning: "Who am I trying to reach? How am I going to accomplish this?’"

Why Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein chose Oneteam

So Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein started looking for an employee engagement app to improve internal communications. The supermarket ended up choosing Oneteam. Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein opted for Oneteam in 2016 and did not have any regrets since. Having chosen Oneteam as its employee experience app, the supermarket experienced the following benefits:

  • Fast implementation: “the transition went smoothly. Within two weeks, everyone used Oneteam.” said Remco.
  • Continuous focus on the end-user: “With the end-user in mind the platform is continuously developed. Because the platform is so easy to use all employees really like using it. They are real Oneteam fans.”
  • Reliable partner: Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein enjoys working with Oneteam. When the supermarket has questions, they can always reach out to Oneteam. “The response time is really absurdly fast,” says Remco enthusiastically.  Furthermore, Oneteam continues to give Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein personalized advice. Oneteam regularly gives personalized webinars and presentations about improving internal communications for employees.
  • The connection between PMT and Oneteam: the connection between planning programs such as PMT (Work Force Management System ) makes it possible for employees to view their most recent schedule. Thanks to the unique feature in Oneteam, employees can easily and quickly exchange shifts. Oneteam is linked to PMT and therefore, automatically processes shift changes in the schedule after approval.
“As far as I am concerned, the essential difference between Oneteam and the competitor lies in the fact that the focus of Oneteam is employee engagement. Oneteam always has the end-user in mind. Our employees are real fans of Oneteam”

The results: informed employees and satisfied customers

The implementation of Oneteam

  • Informed employees: Oneteam is really easy to use. Participating- and being a part of the internal organization is easier than ever. The app has significantly improved employee engagement. employees love using Oneteam. This is why the engagement of the employees has improved. “Now they are always up to date,” says Remco. “With the help of Oneteam, we created a community of our supermarket. Connecting with each other is so easy now. Now everybody knows of the latest news. Employees are more involved in the messaging because of the ‘high fives (like the feature of Oneteam) and the number of messages sent out by everyone.”
  • Customer satisfaction: “Customers are aware of the engagement amongst our employees. Our employees make the difference.” Quickly after the implementation of Distrifood, a leading platform for retail and supermarket chains nominated Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein for both ‘most delicious’ and ‘best supermarket of Ridderkerk’.