Case Study


In this case study, you will learn how DPD managed to centralize all internal communication, boost employee engagement and strengthen their company culture.


Table of contents

“Prior to Oneteam, we could only reach 5% of our deskless employees. Now, over 80% of our deskless employees are engaged and actively using Oneteam.”
Laura Pobusa, Internal Communication Specialist at DPD


DPD is Europe's leading parcel logistics company and part of the Geopost Group. They position themselves as the local experts in delivery. In Latvia, they have 400+ employees spread out over 12 locations. 

We sat down with Daniels Polevačiks (Business Development Project Manager) and Laura Pobusa (Internal Communication Specialist) to learn how Oneteam helped them to strengthen their internal communication and company culture. 

The problem we solved

  • Bridging the communication gap between HQ and the deskless workforce;
  • Shifted from fragmented and outdated solutions to a centralized and modern solution.

Summary of results

  • Implementation process of just 2 weeks;
  • Deskless employee engagement went from 5% to over 80% by using Oneteam;
  • 1 solution for internal communication, events, online training, forms, documents, and surveys; 
  • Oneteam has helped DPD to strengthen its company culture

The challenge

What Employee Experience challenges were you facing before using Oneteam?

Daniels: As a logistics company, our company structure is divided into three areas: office, warehouse, and our couriers. So, the first challenge we had was to deliver information to all our employees in an accessible way, especially our non-desk employees who are on the go all day. 

The second challenge was that the way we shared the information was outdated and fragmented. We used an intranet, message boards, and Whatsapp groups. For example, we used Sharepoint Intranet, which is from the dinosaur era; content is not easily adjustable, you can only have a few admins, and most importantly, it is not accessible for employees without a company email address. Although we did a good job trying to engage our employees, the way we did it was not efficient, engaging, and accessible for all employees. 

How was this affecting your business? 

Daniels: We ran a survey to measure our employee engagement, and what we saw from the survey is that employees didn’t feel engaged. They also didn’t know where to find important information. For example, we used bulletin boards, where we simply printed important information and stitched it to boards. People didn’t read it, or whenever a manager thought another message was more important, they would put their message on top of the other news. The lack of engagement led to employees being left outside the communication loop, missing important information, and making it hard for us to build a strong company culture. 

The solution

What solutions did you evaluate, and why did you choose Oneteam?

Daniels: After running the internal employee experience audit, it was clear that we needed to improve our internal communication, mainly for our deskless workers in the warehouse and the couriers. So, we created a list of requirements and started looking for the best internal communication platform for DPD. 

Laura: The solution needed to be accessible via mobile phones, without needing a corporate email address, offered a great user experience, that we could reach all employees instantly, and that we could communicate in sub-communities. 

Daniels: After doing research via platforms like Google, G2, and speaking to other business units, we eventually drafted a shortlist of five vendors with whom we planned demo meetings. Oneteam was the best on the test and offered 98% of all our requirements and wishes. What we liked especially was that Oneteam has a great user experience from both the user and the admin side, an intuitive design, and offers more than just internal communication. Furthermore, it provided the best deal for a buck of all vendors. 

How did you experience the implementation process?

Daniels: It was very straightforward. Oneteam is an app that is ready with all its functionalities. All we needed to do was think about the architecture for user data exchange. It just took us 2 weeks to set it all up,  thanks to the team at Oneteam, who helped us with company-specific requests for our Oneteam environment. 

Laura: The challenge was mainly the go-live. How would we get everyone on board who weren’t engaged before using Oneteam? For instance, a driver working at a DPD Depot 200 km away from our headquarters. But we created a communication plan for the launch, and we were thrilled to see that within the first week, we already had 67% of all employees active on the platform. 

An example of the personalized Oneteam environment for DPD employees

Who uses Oneteam within your organization?

Laura: Everyone within DPD Latvia uses Oneteam, so both our desk (office) and non-desk (warehouse and couriers) employees. In total, we have 86% of our employees actively using Oneteam. 

What kind of solutions do you use Oneteam for?

Laura: We use Oneteam for the whole range of our internal communication, both formal and informal. From publishing posts and engaging with each other via the chat to sharing documents and organizing events via the event feature, it’s all in Oneteam. Furthermore, we use the forms and survey components of the platform. Examples of surveys we send out are employee satisfaction surveys, courier surveys, and surveys to evaluate events. 

Daniels: Before Oneteam, we needed to print out all handbooks for our warehouse workers and couriers, as Sharepoint was only accessible via a DPD email, which our deskless employees don’t usually have. Every handbook was about 50 pieces of paper. Now, we can easily share all handbooks in Oneteam, so imagine how much paper waste we save using the platform's document feature. 

"What we liked especially was that Oneteam has a great user experience from both the user and the admin side, an intuitive design, and offers more than just internal communication. Furthermore, it provided the best deal for a buck of all vendors."
Daniels Polevačiks, Business Development Project Manager at DPD

The results

What impact does Oneteam have on your organization?

Laura: Oneteam is the primary communication tool for all employees. Our CEO, who is very satisfied with Oneteam, can now instantly reach all employees. But also, our deskless employees can directly reply to posts and communicate with each other via chat. Oneteam positively impacts our company culture, as it helps our employees feel more connected, involved, and better informed.

Daniels: Our goal was to bring all three communities (office, warehouse, and couriers) together, bridge the gap between headquarters and the deskless workforce, create a strong company culture, and strengthen our company values. Oneteam helped us do all that. If we share posts in Oneteam, we see that even couriers from the other side of the country are replying and joining discussions in the threads.

What other results have you seen so far?

Laura: Prior to Oneteam, we could only reach 5% of our deskless employees. Now, over 80% of our deskless employees are engaged and actively using Oneteam. It has also grown significantly for office workers, from 25% to 90%.

Daniels: All KPIs we set when we started with Oneteam have been achieved. For example, we set engagement goals for each community, and the goal for couriers was that 65% of employees would use Oneteam, which was a challenging goal given the past engagement levels. As Laura said, that number is now over 80%, which is truly impressive.

Why do you believe Oneteam is the ideal solution for the logistics sector?

Daniels: Oneteam helps you overcome the challenge that all logistics companies have; the communication gap between people working in the office and those working in the field (e.g., warehouse workers and couriers). The platform is easy to use, accessible for everyone in the organization, and built to fit the needs and structure of logistics companies. For us, it has proven to be the ideal solution to bridge the communication gap and improve our employee engagement and company culture.

Laura: Oneteam is perfect for busy employees in their daily rush (e.g., couriers). Couriers don’t have time to open emails, etc. Oneteam is like opening Facebook; you’re up-to-date within seconds. Employees can easily find the information relevant to them wherever they are and whenever they want.

“Oneteam helps you overcome the challenge that all logistics companies have; the communication gap between people working in the office and those working in the field (e.g. warehouse workers and couriers). The platform is easy to use, accessible for everyone in the organization, and built to fit the needs and structure of logistics companies.”

Want to achieve similar results?

Are you looking for a solution to bridge the communication gap and improve the employee experience of your deskless workforce?

Plan a live demo and learn how Oneteam can help you make your employees successful and engaged. During the demo, we will guide you through our all-in-one employee app, and we’ll happily answer all your questions.